Liquisity 2- More Screenshots
Amazing what a few more days of work can do. Below are two new screens from Liquisity 2, and two old screens that show just how far we’ve come from the beta just a week ago.
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An Unprecedented Event in Video Game History.
I have something to tell ya, some good, some bad.
Why don’t you take a seat. Take a seat right over there.
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Goodbye, Helicopter Cacophony 3. What now?
There’s nothing I hate more than unused resources. And that’s exactly what’s happening with Napalm of Valor: Helicopter Cacophony 3.
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Why Liquisty Runs so Poorly (and why Liquisity 2 won’t)
Wondering why Liquisity allows for a max of three bubble jets? Or why some custom maps run so slowly? It’s not the fault of Game Maker 6, but was completely mine alone.
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