Sandbox of God and Game Maker 8: You Decide.
So it seems that Game Maker 8 is coming out by the end of December. Which is awesome. But I have something to ask you all, and it’s going to be totally up to you. The question: should I push back the release of the Sandbox of God 1.5 and Remastered in order to take advantage of Game Maker 8? By push back I mean the release would be in a few weeks, certainly no later than January.
The benefits of porting the Sandbox of God from Game Maker 7 to Game Maker 8 would be:
-Faster initial load times
-Better runner code which could mean a better performance on many computers
-Built in webpage support, which I could use to link to the SOG FAQ for example, or maybe a SOG page specifically made for the game
-Maybe some other features; can’t say for sure until I get GM8, but those features above are the ones I know for sure about.
So now it’s up to you…should I go with the release tomorrow, or wait just a few weeks and add a few extra features? Comment below and let me know! 🙂
Considering the amount of time I’ll be spending in that game, I think I can wait a few extra weeks if it means better features. So yeah, I say wait till GM8. 😀
I’ve waited a very long time for a SoG2, and SoG Remastered is as close as has been offered. Why not go ahead and release it now, then update it later with gm8?
Something I could do is release SOG 1.5 now, and then release Remastered later with more features. Hmmm…
I would say wait for both of them, because then you could link to the download page for Remastered in 1.5.
I can wait but no longer than jan 🙂
I think if there are advantages to waiting a little longer it’s no problem to wait a little longer. So delay it. It would be stupid if you’d release the game now and know you would have made a better game (and let us play a better game) next month.
yea whait till game maker 8
i’d say that unless GM8 has something that will help SoG be even better, there is no reason to wait…. unless you know something that will make the development easier, then go for 8.
it really doesnt’ matter what WE want… because YOU are the developer 🙂 Of course we all want it to be released soon… but at the same time, we want you to be happy 🙂
I can wait a couple of weeks more! 😀
Merry christmas by the way,
Great news everyone! I was just issued an exclusive final version of Game Maker 8 today. So the game will come out before the end of December for sure!
DRM again 🙁