Forums back up!

edit: the forums are back online! Sorry for the delay folks, and hopefully that won’t happen again. 🙂

Hey…anyone know any good web hosting providers? I was thinking about

9 Commentsto Forums back up!

  1. Garion says:

    Dreamhost ( sounds good – and it’s green

  2. Garion says:

    I just looked at the website and provided you sign up now (as in the next 12 hours I guess), you can get free bandwidth and space for your lifetime…

    However, that’s only for the next 30 people

  3. joe_042293 says:

    Oh, dear. That is quite broken, isn’t it?

    I’m afraid I’m clueless about hosts. :/

  4. blueflare says:

    Forums work for me…

    But, y’know, this is a late reply.

  5. I second that DreamHost motion by Garion, I’ve heard nothing but good things about them. They seem like a very reliable host.

  6. chubigans says:

    I’ve also heard many bad things about Dreamhost though, especially their speeds. They are good with first impressions but not too good for long term service.

  7. marioandluigi206 says:

    Well, the forums were working fine for me until about 15 minutes ago. Now there’s a lot of shellblast-themed badness.

  8. marioandluigi206 says:

    sorry about the double post, but this should definitely be the final level if you ever make a shellblast 2.
    I’m gonna need a lot of chaff grenades. 🙂

  9. Amanda says:

    Hey chubs, I use, and I’ve not once had downtime, plus they give you loads of space for so little cash (Look at me, I’m a walking advert.) Anyways, it’s pretty awesome, if you’re looking at the site and thinking “Hey, this girl has got a grand host.. I think I’ll switch!” — hit me up first, for uhmm.. you know, a special referral link…please 😐