Voting round is now over!

You can still vote in the 2BeeGames competition until midnight tonight! While first place seems too far away at this point to catch up to, I think we can still nab second place with enough votes. So just go to the 2BeeGames website, vote for Kablooey!, and come back tomorrow for the results! Woo! Thanks everyone for the support!

edit: The votes are in! I’ll post the results of the competition as soon as I get them! While we missed the Community Favorite prize, there’s still a chance at the grand prize! Thanks everyone for all the support.

5 Commentsto Voting round is now over!

  1. Spaceoff says:

    Vector Conflict and Driftmoon were meh compared to Kablooey, Vector Conflict moreso.
    The correct order should be:
    Vector Conflict

    …this became nothing more than a popularity contest… sad.

  2. Zack064 says:

    No need to worry if you you don’t place vote wise. There is a prize for the community favorite and best game. You still got my vote. Good luck!

  3. amidos2006 says:

    I dont know how Vector reached for the finals as Kablooey and DriftMoon are better by thousand times 🙂 and some of other games that are out of the finals are better than it

    But Kablooey may win community favorite game 🙂 I hope so 🙂

  4. amidos2006 says:

    I hate to say some bad news :S 🙁
    Unfortunatly Kablooey didnt win in the 2BeeGames Compo
    And the favorite game for the community is Climb to the top of the Castle
    and the best game is Vector Conflict :((

    I am so sad that Kablooey didnt win :((

  5. chubigans says:

    Yeah, but it’s alright. I’ll have a blog post up shortly. 🙂