Merge successful; Spirits is 95% done!

Yes folks, the merger between the menu engine and the main game engine is complete. Basically this means I just put on my shoe, and all that’s left is to tie my shoelaces. But my shoe was like ten miles away, so I had to get there first. And I was carrying cement bricks the entire way. With a broken ankle.

Anyways here’s an early look at a puzzle level menu selection screen and a puzzle level. Hopefully that beta will be ready this Sunday…again. Woo!

9 Commentsto Merge successful; Spirits is 95% done!

  1. Spaceoff says:

    IMO, the lock icons at the menu would look better partially transparent

  2. joe_042293 says:

    I think they’re okay as opaque as they are now, but would perhaps be better of being behind the numbers instead of in front of them.

  3. blueflare says:

    That metaphor made me laugh.

    Also, I agree completely with joe.

  4. I too agree with joe, but nonetheless, it looks great.

  5. chubigans says:


    …I guess Ill change it. 🙂

  6. Well, it seems like joe is now.

  7. Spaceoff says:

    I forgot to leave an opinion on the current game itself here.

  8. joe_042293 says:

    If I’m the game designer, I say we should probably plaster my name all over the title screen. And change the name to ‘Spirits of Joe-opolis’.

    And I should get it for free.

    And stuff. <__>