Light Posting Thru June 7th

Hey folks, just a quick update. Due to the incoming E3 madness (which I can’t wait to take in), plus some upcoming news that I cannot talk about until it’s revealed by the parties involved, there will be limited blog postings up through June 7th. I’ve been hard at work on the “clay project” as well as outlining the final structure of Kablooey, and I can’t wait to share more.

But since I’m in a fun mood, I thought I’d give you a teaser pic of “Project Clay”:

That picture does not make any sense, does it? Or perhaps it does. Muhahaha!

Cy’all after the break!

13 Commentsto Light Posting Thru June 7th

  1. joe_042293 says:

    “upcoming news that I cannot talk about until it’s revealed by the parties involved”

    This interests me.

    Also, E3, huh? I’d like to go someday. At this one, I’m looking out for more info on Heavy Rain.

  2. blueflare says:

    Oh man, this is gonna bug me. >.<

  3. chubigans says:

    I’m not actually going to E3 though, just enjoying the live streamed conferences and stuff. Might have a few chums over. Someday I will go there for reals. :mrgreen:

  4. marioandluigi206 says:

    And we will all watch the VG conference live over the interwebs πŸ™‚
    The clay project looks epic.

  5. Oh god, something else I have absolutely no idea what the heck it is.

    And this E3 is going to be sweet by the looks of things already. I’ve been trying to keep up with both Sony and Nintendo, but seem to fall behind ridiculously easy.

    Looks like Nintendo might actually have something good on their platform this year. πŸ˜€

  6. Them says:

    I can see “Metropolis” in the background of that picture, could it have something to do with SoM? Can’t wait for no news πŸ™‚

  7. chubigans says:

    That’s actually a poster of Spirits of Metropolis in that pic. But it doesn’t have anything to do with the game other than that.

  8. Pete says:

    I see.. SoG stuff!

    Anyway, I will be leaving on June 1st, and not coming home until June 12th.. so it’s perfect timing for me to miss exactly everything about E3 :/

  9. amidos2006 says:

    Cant wait for either Kablooey or Project Clay πŸ™‚

    As pete say I can see some Sand of Box of God in this picture πŸ˜€

    Waiting Waiting Waiting πŸ˜€

  10. chubigans says:

    Side note: I didn’t make the top finalists in the 2BeeGames competition. Nuts.

  11. blueflare says:

    Aww, that sucks. D:

  12. amidos2006 says:

    Ore No Ryoumi 2 is featured on TIGSource website so Hurrrrraaaaaaaaaaaah πŸ˜€

  13. blueflare says:

    It is? That’s awesome!