Introducing Spirits of Metropolis Puzzle Packs!

I’m pleased to announce the first two puzzle packs for Spirits of Metropolis, Spring Meridian Puzzle Pack and Abstract Puzzle Pack, available now absolutely free!

The Spring Meridian Puzzle Pack gives you six levels of moderate difficulty celebrating the coming of Spring. There’s a butterfly, some rose bushes, killer surf waves, and perhaps a flower or two. Download it now!

The Abstract Puzzle Pack is a much more complex bundle, and should only be attempted by the most skillful Metropolis player. It’s six large levels each with just one color…can you flow the gems in the direction of victory? Download it now!

In related news, Spirits of Metropolis will soon go live on Direct2Drive, which is a major breakthrough for the game. Woo!

I hope you guys enjoy the new packs, and look for new content in the months to come!

5 Commentsto Introducing Spirits of Metropolis Puzzle Packs!

  1. amidos2006 says:

    Wow 😀 Thats so cooooooool 🙂 and waiting for the wallpapers 😉

  2. blueflare says:

    Woo! That looks quite snazzy!

  3. UltimateAgent says:

    Good, I almost have the money to buy Spirits (in the combo pack too!)

    Need wallpapers now.

  4. Hella Yeah. Really enjoying the first pack, though I’m finding the Abstract Pack a real challenge. Hah, oh well. Nevertheless, nice work.

  5. UltimateAgent says:

