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Lots of good questions today, albit small. Still a nice start to something we will do every other Sunday. Let's hurry and finish so I can grab some Dippin Dots before they close!

Any news on Jaws coming to UMD? -Ryan
Nope, no news yet. Thats something that would fare better when the PSP base expands, so expect a lot more less mainstream movies by next year.

Are UMDs really selling? They seem to be quite overstocked at pretty much all the stores I go to. -starkweather
UMDs are actually expected to bail out the DVD industry with an impressive $250 million in sales this year. It doesn't seem like it, and my Wal-Mart seems to be packed to the gills with UMD movies, but they are selling apparently. Much better than I think anyone could have anticipated; even Sony themselves.

Whats with that hybrid Wipeout Pure and Stealth being sold later this year? Is it a shrinkwrapped 2-pack or what? -blastahomes

I have no clue. It looks like it's a hybrid disc, but I guess we'll find out when we review it November 15th. The $40 price tag somewhat hampers the excitement.

What happened to the magazine you guys used to do? Will there ever be another one? -firewire99
Unfortunately it was way too much work as it was a one man operation. Instead I ditched the mag and rebuilt the site for both computers and a PSP browser. A magazine using the browser is not out of the question, but a mag using pics like before won't happen...sorry.

Will there ever be a UMD hookup to TV? -sanskyno
There are many third party hookups to the PSP coming out this winter, but no word on a UMD reader. Since UMDs are future proofed as they are encoded in 720x480, it would seem logical at some point...

Will there ever be a double dip special edition for UMDs you think? -eggsnbacon
Techically, UMDs are double dipping. Studios love them because they don't have to come up with any new material for the UMD (unlike DVD special editions). They just port the DVD to UMD, and bam! Extra sales! The day the studio has the nerve to release a special edition double dip UMD is the day the format has succeeded beyond all expectations.

Got a question? Submit it to the electrobag!