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  Da Electrobag! Woo!  

You can expect another update to the bag in, oh, eight months. Possibly sooner, but hey, I like to live life on the edge.

Great job with the website, the only real source on the entire web that reviews PSP movies. Anal people like myself who pride themselves on great Picture Quality and Audio, find this website a huge asset before purchasing movies on my PSP. Well, at least I do.

As an avid PSP movie owner (am up to 28 already), I thought there were a couple of movies worth reviewing (when you have time that is) that i found would be great to add to your kick-ass list:

'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' - Murky blacks that washes out the beautiful saturation, and plagues most of the Warners new range. Great audio though, nice and loud.

'Evil Dead II' - Soft audio levels, and terrible strobing picture, but at least the blacks are there. Despite it's flaws, it's actually one of my fav UMD's.

'Serenity' - A little grey on the blacks, but a great UMD none-the-less. The fan-base for this film is HUGE. You'd be doing them a big favour :)

Anyway, thanks again for you reviews, and keep up the great work. I hope to read your opinions on these great titles soon.

Alex Zaloudek

I've been hearing a ton about Serenity, and will try to review it soon. I passed on my Evil Dead II screener since I never saw the first one, and I do plan to revisit Friday Night Lights on UMD simply because I live in Odessa, TX and it would be a fun review. Thanks for writin'!

Hey, I am a frequent visitor, and would like to commend the site for their reviews which are good, and easy to read. However, why are movies like Friday*, Serenity*, Shaun of the dead, Tim Burton: Charlie and the chocolate factory, 8 mile*, Friday night lights* , which are all relatively good psp/umd movies, do not get reviewed, while movies like coyote ugly and hollow man, which are clearly inferior/garbage compared to these titles, get reviewed instead??!!!!! I'm just curious by what measures are movies selected for review because there's a significant amount of great movies that are oddly overlooked. thx.
- Ricky Casiano

Back in the day, we got screeners only from Buena Vista. So every single movie we got from them (including Coyote Ugly, etc.) we reviewed. Once other studios started sending us screeners, we didn't have to do that anymore. Thank god for that, since Herbie:Fully Loaded was not one I looked forward to watching...whew! (As for Hollowman, well, I'm a big Verhoeven fan and wanted to check out this movie. Not too shabby really.)

While I think it's cool you guys do contests...why Sharkboy and Lavagirl?

Because it's still in it's shrinkwrap collecting dust next to my computer. Maybe not the most amazing movie on UMD, but hey...someone out there must want it! Eh? EH???

Just a heads up, but a while back (definitely before the new year; maybe November) I went to a Best Buy out in Westbury, Long Island, NY and saw that they were selling a dvd/umd combo of the cg-anime, Galerians: Rion (released by Image Entertainment). It was a shrinkwrapped package with a small cardboard wrapper binding them together like the ones you get with the Disney boxsets for Aladdin, Lion King, etc. (the ones that tell you the details). First, and last, time I've ever seen one of these at any brick & mortar store. Never seen it at any online retailer, or even mentioned online, either (Google does nothing). And if I can recall correctly, it went for around $23-25. I haven't been back to that store in a while, but I doubt I'd even see them anymore. News worthy? Probably not, but it definitely pre-dates these newly announced sets by several months. -Derek Huie

Strange, since there hasn't been any official US releases of DVD/UMD combo packs. Could it have been an import? I emailed and got this reply:

I can confidently say that it wasn't an import, but the domestic releases of both packaged together. I did a search on how the Japanese package their combos, and can also confidently say that it didn't come packaged like that. There was no cardboard case, just the shrinkwrapping. I also tried doing a search at Image Entertainment's site but came up with nothing but separate product pages. I honestly didn't think anything of it until I got the Sony promo newsletter announcing the 2-packs during the past week, and then seeing it on your site (which I enjoy visiting because it's the only of it's kind). I can see how it'd be mistaken as an import, though. But yea, definitely not an import, and definitely seen at a Best Buy. -Derek

Very interesting. While it is possible a smaller studio has taken the initiative to go ahead with DVD/UMD region 1 combos, that shrinkwrap makes me wonder if this Best Buy is up to something of their own in making their own bundles (such as the Xbox 360 Launch fiasco), but why do it with a smaller known release? I guess we'll never know. Anyone else see anything like this? Drop me a line!

Well, I'm calling that a wrap for today. Be sure to enter our contest in the front page, and see ya in the next review!

Got a question? Submit it to the electrobag!

Previous bag: 10-30-05